Lately I have been developing my ideas for my final outcome. After all my research I have decided to developed some drawings of dandelions the reason I have chosen dandelions this is because Martin has a habit, when ever he sees a dandelion in the garden he would pick them up and blow the seeds away. I think this idea would be a good final piece because I am expressing an idea in a visual way to show parts of Martins habits. This is an artist I have found on this website
I really like how Lewa's has designed the dandelion looking at this image it makes you think of freedom and feel relax as the seeds are drifting off with the wind. Looking at this work it has influence me to create an idea for my final outcome.
For the shoes I have been visually expressing my ideas through looking and drawing different men shoes. I have also taken photos of shoes that I have put together neatly in a row in order to express the obsessions of keeping things in a nice order.