Monday 25 February 2013

Project Proposal - Character Design

As my environmental design is based on a rich city my characters designs will be based on office wear. Other objects I will include will be cars, for example a Mercedes- Benz CL500. I have made a few sketches just to show parts of my research.

Quick Sketches

Quick sketches to show my research 

Concept Designs For My Show reel

Photos I have taken in Hong Kong

Project Proposal - Skyscrapers Research

To develop my show reel I would firstly study some famous and well known sky skyscrapers around the world. I would take ideas from my research and design my own buildings to create my scene for a video game. I would also do a few sketches so I can have a basic idea with my concept design to show what my show reel will be. I have always been interested in sky scrapers - recently I visited Hong Kong and took several photos of all the sky scrapers I admired, so the show reel will also show part of my interests.
Finally, I will sketch out several story boards to show where I would want my camera to pan around my scene. 

Dubai Burj Khalifa

New York Empire State Building

Hong Kong International Financial Centre 

Well known Skyscrapers Around the World


Sunday 24 February 2013

Project Proposal - Digital Matte Painting Research

For digital matte paintings I have looked into a few well known films such as Titanic, Star Wars episode VI and the newly released film The Amazing Spider Man. Most of the back ground scenes in these movies have been digitally painted using visual effects and green screen.


Star Wars

The Amazing Spider Man

Sunday 17 February 2013

Show Reel Research

I have found a few Show Reel Videos from other students which I thought it is quite inspiring.

Term 2 - Show Reel Project Proposal

For this module I have researched environmental designs and matte paintings so for my show reel I will create and design a environment for a video game. My environmental designs will be based on a rich city full of skyscrapers, buildings and cars, I will create this layout in 3D using 3D Maya software. Once I have modelled all my objects I will start adding each building together to form a virtual world. I am also going to look into matte paintings and digitally paint the back ground for the scene. I will have a camera in my scene to pan around, so I can show the audience my environment designs and the way in which I have created the buildings and the objects that make up my scene and the textures with which I have constructed them. My show reel will illustrate a day time scene of my environment which will transform into a night time view where the lights of the cars and buildings will be illuminated.

To start this project I will research a few environmental designers and matte painter artists to motivate me with my work. I have studied a few video games such as Grand Thief Auto, Crysis 2 and Mirror Edge. The style used in these video games in creating their environments has influenced my show reel design as the realistic environments are of a similar mould to the cityscape I am going to create.

Mirror Edge 

Crysis 2 

Grand Thief Auto